Monday, August 8, 2011

Still Naive at 65

I went for a 3-day sail with my sons a few weeks ago.  During the course of  the trip, I realized that they were sophisticated much more than I was at any time in my life. My wife and I were seemingly kids when we married and lived paycheck to paycheck until our early 30's when we became marginally affluent.  In those days of earning a living and raising a family it seems as though we never had any time to concern ourselves with national economy.  Were we ignorant?...maybe.  Naive?...certainly, but we were...busy.  Both of my sons are attorneys and have done very well for themselves and their families.  I read the other day that never before in America was there more advanced college degrees per-capita.  This revelation leads me to ponder a rather obvious question: If there is more knowledge than ever before in this country, why are things such a mess?  Did all those diplomas come from Grenada?  Or online?...or from a box of Rice Crispies?  It is a hissing shame that all the knowledge that those diplomas allege have not averted the morass that we observe on the evening news.  In the 18th century, the term "sophisticated" meant something that might have been tampered with: a bottle of whiskey may be "sophisticated" by adding  a little water to it.

Think about it...

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