Friday, September 23, 2011

Family History 101: Dad-part 2

Sonny Lair, as the baby brother of the family, was much caressed by his sisters and mother.  He was always well clad, well groomed and clean.  

Jessie managed her family economy with energy and efficiency.  There was a vegetable garden as well as chicken coops in the back yard.  With only the money from the annuity coming in, the children were encouraged to find part-time jobs.  The children were required to assist in the cooking and house-hold chores.  One day, Jessie told JoAnn to wring the neck of a chicken for supper that evening.  JoAnn, having dressed early for a date, protested.  Jessie told her to change from her date-dress.  JoAnn did not change and as she was dispatching the chicken, gore from the unfortunate fowl shot all over her and her dress.  She howled in anger while her siblings hooted in mirth.  Decades later, she would still declare her anger at the memory of the incident.

Geneveve met and married Walter Conring, a local business executive who also was to own a large cattle ranch in south Texas near Dehinnis.

Madlyn left for college in north Texas.  She would meet and marry Sam Durham, an engineer with the highway department.

JoAnn would marry and divorce ( a scandal at that time for a Catholic girl).  She then married George Saliba whose plumbing company would grow to be one of the largest in San Antonio.

As his sisters were leaving, Sonny grew tall.  He had curly black hair and raffish smile.  He was comfortable talking to girls, growing from birth surrounded by females.  He was used to feminine ways.  On entering high school, the females of his family were not the only women doting on him.  One of them was Adrienne...

Adrienne was petite and pert.  She became pregnant.  There was a quick marriage and a quick divorce.  The issue of this brief marriage was Betty Jean, who would become my half-sister and one of the noblest women I have ever known.

Nearing graduation, Sonny met Mary Stone.  Mary knew who and what she wanted.  In the war of the sexes, most men are incapable of dealing with an aggressive female pursuer.  By graduation, Mary had captured Sonny.

They graduated and Sonny went to work for Walter Conring's company.  He drove a delivery truck for a year and then was made a salesman.  Sonny and Mary were married and moved into her parents' house.

Then the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor...
(To be continued)  

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